The function of art is to be UTTERLY dis functional

Artist statement

In a functional world, art serves no purpose. My creations aim for a sense of personal freedom and inner discovery. Yet, I cannot be blind to the fact the works are impacting others and the universe around me. Although art should be subjective and a-political, Picasso's La Guernica is hard to deny as a powerful anti-war statement. Still, I view the process of art-making beyond the functionality of products and mere aesthetics. This contradiction defines my artistic purpose.


The attention theft machine 

Source of inspiration

Our attention is hijacked, our privacy sold to big capital. And with the aid of smart tech we are being turned into screen-addicted consumer zombies, chasing dreams. Trapped in an attention machine, our hearts ache from our lives being manipulated.

Infobesity and visual overload 


Concerns about information overload date back to ancient times. In the 1990s, email overload was a struggle; only to be intensified by social media. We all became part of the attention economy, either as victims or perpetrators of a massive attention theft. In the digital age, information overload is inevitable, akin to a disregarded disease. It's a love/hate relationship that I battle by transforming visual chaos into something with a more coherent meaning.

A fragmented subcounsiousness

I visualize the endless digital influx as a chaotic blend of commercialized visuals, social media posts, billboards. Scrolling through diverse images and messages, I wonder how this overstimulation affects our dreams. my own thoughts and Emotions drowning amid the flood of this content overload. I’m hoping my subconscious processes it all into a fragmented dreamstate with it’s blend of unique colors and a certain pulsating harmony

Working process

Digital painting

My approach is deliberate and meditative, akin to painting with oil paint. Only difference I inclusively work with pixels and vectors. Working on multiple pieces simultaneously, It takes me months to get them right. Blending layers until the screen becomes a canvas. Daily walks in the forest inspire me to look for natural chaos. The sweet spot is where pixel perfection meets a sort of fauvist abstract expressionism. From afar, it's harmonious, in a rococo way; up close, individual elements fight for attention.

Blending layers

In crafting my large-scale works, digital pixels and vectors play a pivotal role. I begin by gathering images from diverse stock sites, combining them with photos from my phone.

blurring boundaries 

Simultaneously, I use Procreate to paint on an iPad, seamlessly blending layers until the boundaries between photography and the digital paint blur. These pieces are expansive, ranging from 4 meters wide to 2 meters tall.

Closing statement

for me a new form of Abstract expressionism offers respite from the overload of conceptual art, emphasizing the visual experience over written explanations. I turn towards the craft of creation, expressing an inner turmoil and reacting to the world around me. Inspired by the old masters such as De Kooning, Pollock, Rauschenberg, I use digital paint for a faster, more direct approach. It's not necessarily more honest or original, but it captures a unique essence. A good friend once called me a “the digital Pollock,”. I do think he has a point, yet I aim to be an original in my own right