Renowned artist Boris Thorbecke, professionally known by the pseudonym Dembai, was born on April 1, 1972, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Currently residing in Hilversum, establishing himself as a distinguished contemporary digital collage artist. Dembai draws on a rich professional background as an Art Director in the advertising industry. Specializing in the creation of large collage works, Dembai utilizes a dynamic mix of digital and graphic elements, including graphics such as vectorized illustrations and logos mixed with digital painting techniques, drawings, photographs, and texts to craft immersive and intricate compositions. Dembai is best known for immense and complex works, reminiscent of both a violent nature and a wall filled with graffiti. These vibrant creations present a colorful blend of images, digital paint, and graphic elements, resembling abstract expressionist paintings from the 1950s when viewed from a distance. Upon closer inspection, the works reveal detailed and razor-sharp nuances, inviting viewers to delve into mini storytelling components.
Dembai's artistic endeavors delve into the intersection of globalized economy, free market principles, polarizing politics, and digital technology. His work critically examines the influence of social media on both our subconsciousness and daily lives. The thematic richness of his art is evident in projects such as the Doomsday series of 2023 and the Infobesity series of 2019. Through these projects, Dembai skillfully weaves together a tapestry of political issues with elements of popular culture, creating a visual narrative that resonates with contemporary societal complexities. His works, akin to a visual dialogue, captivate audiences with a thought-provoking blend of intense subject matter and visually striking aesthetics.
Dembai's impactful contributions to the art world extend beyond his notable exhibitions at The Supperclub and Maxalot Gallery in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. His very large and intricate collage works have become coveted additions to private collections on both national and international scales. Collected by various private collectors who appreciate the depth and innovation he brings to the canvas, Dembai's creations navigate the realms of both abstract expressionism and digital art. As his global influence continues to grow, Dembai remains a significant force, pushing the boundaries of contemporary art with his unique blend of political commentary and visually stunning compositions.